Now What?!
Consciousness Deep Dive
The art of being fully human in a time of crisis
The Deep Dive conversations are now complete. You can review the Harvest here, and are invited to to go on a "mini learning journey" through it as a contribution to the collective meaning-making work being done as a follow-up.
During July-August 2019, you are also invited to participate in a Pop-up Gift Economy catalyzed by the energy of the Deep Dive and the Now What?! engagement of which it was a part.
How do you survive, stay in integrity, and even thrive in the context of “mainstream insanity?”
What are generative ways to engage in “mainstream contexts" that amplify the shift in consciousness towards healing, unity, dignity, and respect for all beings?
A global collective inquiry is being convened during June around the challenges and opportunities of engaging in “mainstream contexts" from a consciousness that...
Calls us onto the path of being fully human, rooted in ancient and new paradigm wisdom
Seeks mutual understanding and prizes the building of relationships
Sees the systemic harms that have been and continue to be perpetuated by “mainstream” consciousness, especially that which is coming out of the developed world, and fosters healing and regeneration in response
Is based on a deep knowing of our interdependence and interconnectedness with all of humanity, and of the sacredness of Earth and of all beings
This deep dive is part of Now What?! -- a “conference weaving” initiative that began in early May and is intended to amplify, integrate, and ground the energy of a set of transformationally oriented conferences taking place around this time. Now What?! is continuing through June, with this deep dive being the main thread of engagement during that time. More info here.

The purpose of this “deep dive” is to practice and learn more about the art of being fully human in this time of global crisis.
Outcomes include:
- Harvesting reflections via text and short video recordings, based on insights emerging from a set of small group conversations held now through June 25
Catalyzing a set of “paradigm-bridging” conversations “out in the world” and sharing stories about them
Compiling an annotated resource list, including music, art, and poetry as well as educational materials such as books videos,courses, and workshops

Please register here. Participants are invited to take part in one or more phases of the inquiry:
From June 1-25, join one or more small group conversation sessions. These can take place virtually via Zoom, a Facebook group or other text-based forum, or in-person, perhaps over coffee or a meal.
Join an open session via Zoom at one of the times listed here, and register to be notified about additional opportunities.
Participants are also invited to convene their own conversation sessions with whomever they would most like to connect, in a venue and at a time that suits to your group. Here is a Hosting Guide to walk you through some simple steps for doing this.
Also from June 1-25, participants are invited to engage in a “paradigm-bridging” conversation with one or more friends, family, colleagues, and perhaps even strangers, whom they initially identify as holding a perspective reflecting an aspect of “mainstream” consciousness they do not fully identify with, and to share the story of that conversation.
From June 26--28, the inquiry will complete via a set of large group Zoom calls to learn from what has taken place in Phases 1 and 2, with calls at a variety of times: see the schedule here.
Throughout the inquiry, participants are invited to share insights that they have gleaned via this Google form, and to contribute to this annotated resource list, including workshops, courses, books, articles, videos, etc. Music and art suggestions will be used to make a playlist and a gallery.
Find Calls that Fit your Schedule
Attend one or more of the Deep Dive calls scheduled on June 7, 11, 20, 24, and 25 to have a small group conversation
Attend one of the Closing Round calls on June 26, 27, or 28 to process what we have learned as a group
See schedule details here
Plan Your Own Small Group Conversation
Think about 2-4 people you would love to do this deep dive with, and find an hour or two when you can meet in person or on a video call between now and June 25
Read the Small Group Hosting Guide
Request support from Deep Dive lead host Ben Roberts, if desired.