Now What?!
Pop-up Gift Economy
July-August 2019
The July-August edition of the Pop-up Gift Economy is now complete. Results can be found here. The page below summarizes the process that was used.
A new iteration is being developed for the Oct-Nov edition of Now What?! It will include many of the elements of this one, as well as some new refinements. Stay tuned!

About the Pop-up Gift Economy
Translating gratitude and appreciation
into generosity
This is an opportunity for the conveners, hosts, and participants in the May-June 2019 edition of Now What?! to make requests for both financial and non-financial support in recognition of the work they have done and/or wish to do in service to The Great Turning (see the context for Now What?! here).
This is also an invitation for anyone who recognizes the value of what took place via Now What?! to make offers as expressions of gratitude and appreciation, and to "pay forward" future iterations of Now What?! such as the one being planned for Oct-Nov 2019.
See the links below for details, and read the latest email update here